Engineering & Consultancy
Professional services to support full project delivery.
We are experts in the field of safety, as our main aim is to safe guard lives and properties at homes, offices and institutions.
Our mission is to make safety a way of life to our clients and customers. At Safetyworld your safety is our concerns.

Services include:
- Sale and supply of Fire Equipment
- Smoke/Heat/Ultra Violet Flame Detector Systems.
- Sale and Servicing of Fire Extinguishers
- Sale of ABCD 90% Dry chemical Powder, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Foam, Water and Wet Chemical Extinguishers.
- Fire Certification and Installation of Fire Safety Equipment
- Medical Oxygen
- Breathing Apparatus
- Emergency Escape Device
- Fixed Systems
- Supply, Inspection and Maintenance of Fire Extinguishers and Fire Detection and Equipment.
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